Sample Anchoring Script In English
sample anchoring script in english

sample anchoring script in englishsample anchoring script in english

Sample Anchoring Script In English How To Master The

What is anchoring and how to master the art of comperingIntroducing the program and the participants and controlling all the schedules as per plan is anchoring.A person who comperes or anchors the show is called an anchor or compere or emcee or announcer or microphone controller.The role of an anchor is to give the audience an idea of the program ahead and keep them engaged and aware of the next program.An anchor should exhibit spontaneity, originality and genuineness.An anchor should carry the program with ease, grace, elegance and confidence.Essential things for an anchor to remember7)Address the audience with smile, proper expressions, voice modulation and keep eye contact with the audience.8)Maintain the speed of your speaking as well as the function.10) If there is any mistake, apologize without any hesitation. Sample anchoring script for a prize distribution ceremony of school/collegeAnchoring any kind of function is always a challenging task but with the right anchoring script, it is always easy.So here we will see how to write anchoring script or compering script of any program. Sample anchoring script from the given program schedule for the prize distribution ceremony.

5)Vote of thanks.The program ends with a vote of thanks and an anchor or other speaker from the organizers will give it.This is a simple format of anchoring script for any function. 4)Closing addressThe closing address should mention the summary of the program and formal announcement of the closure of the program after a vote of thanks. 3)About the eventAfter the inauguration, the main event begins, call the speakers politely for the speech and take response from the audience in the form of applause and announce various program contents as per the schedule. Welcome all and tell about the program in short.“Respected chief guest, honorable guest of honor and all the dignitaries present here, good evening and I would like to welcome you all for ………….function.” 2)InaugurationAfter a brief introduction, there is always the inauguration of the program by lighting the lamp and honor of the gusts, welcome song etc. 1)IntroductionYou should introduce the program by formal beginning with the mention of chief guest and other dignitaries and audience. Format of anchoring scriptRoughly we can divide the compering script in the following parts.Now we will see how you can develop each point in your anchoring script.

It is a day to appreciate and encourage your performance throughout the year,Now I would like to request our principal to give a welcome speech.It was really a warm welcome and I thank you a lot for this affectionate welcome.It is time now to start the proceedings of our program by lighting the lamp. John, our principal, vice-principal, teaching and non-teaching staff, respected parents and our dear students, good evening to you all.I would like to welcome you all to this awaited prize distribution ceremony. Sam Robbins, honorable guest of honor Mr.

Henry, to propose a vote of thanks.Thank you sir. Prize.Congrats to the winners and all the best for the rest to the prize next.Now our students will perform the cultural program.Really it was a very nice cultural dance and they are worthy of standing ovation and applause.Here we come to the concluding part of this prize distribution ceremony.I would like to request our senior teacher, Mr. I would like to call the chief guest for giving away the prizes.I would like to call the first winner of …. Now the main program of prize distribution will start.

sample anchoring script in englishsample anchoring script in english